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5 Crazy Social Media Marketing Strategies for Startups

Getting success with a startup is challenging. In this digital age, startup success, in most cases, aligns with social media marketing. This concept means the practice of using social media platforms to present your product to the target market. In this blog, I’m going to say, how you can do proven social media marketing for startup, which we have tested in our business too, once upon a time.

If you ask me for one reason for the popularity of social media marketing, well, I can give you three.
At first, a huge number of people are using social media worldwide. Datareportal says:

Our latest data show that there are 4.48 billion social media users around the world in July 2021, equating to almost 57 percent of the total global population.

So, it is the most effective way to present your product to a larger audience.

Next, it is a convenient way to reach the target customer considering the demographic factors. That means you get to spend effort on the people who are suitable and interested in the product.

Finally, it is the most cost-effective way for your startup. Compared to giant competitors, a startup does not have a fat budget for promotional activities. So, choosing the cheapest platform is a significant priority for a startup.

What is strategy?

Despite using the social media platform for product marketing, there are so many startups that ended up closing their business. The reason is, they did not have proper strategies while promoting their product.

In simple words, strategies are a combination of small tactics that help you achieve the goal. In this scenario, if you follow some tactics while promoting your product on social media, you can assure your success.

Social Media Strategies

So, what are the social media marketing strategies for startups?

I am planning here to provide a simple step-by-step guideline that you cannot afford to avoid if you want to get a positive outcome.

01. Create Customer Persona and Set the Objectives

At first, you need to outline a detailed hypothetical description of your customer, which is called customer persona.

Who is your potential buyer? What are their demographics? What kind of problem are your customers facing? What does your customer expect through your service? How are you planning to solve those problems?

Answering these questions will give you a clear idea about making a customer persona. You have to think always from your customer’s point of view.

For example, you have a driving safety product to offer exclusively for teenage drivers. So, you can create a hypothetical profile with the following details:

  • Age: 16-19
  • Location: Minnesota
  • Type: Beginner driver
  • Income: Low
  • Is a student or worker
  • Price sensitive
  • Live with parents
  • Active on social media
  • Not very adventurous
  • Not a fast driver

There are two ways by which you can prepare a proper customer persona. Qualitative research (customer interview and focus group discussion) and quantitative research (web analytics and market segmentation tools). 

There are also lots of customer persona question templates that you can use as a shortcut.

I guess you have already a business plan that describes your targeted customer according to the demographic factors. That means you have outlined a hypothetical description of your customer who is suitable for your product.

But when you move to promote the product, you have also to figure out which kind of audience will have interest in your product.

For example, you have a product to offer exclusively for teenagers. But, the elderly siblings can also have an interest in that product to buy that as a gift.

In social media marketing, you can set your marketing tool to ensure that both suitable and interested audiences will be accessible to your content. So, you have to prepare a proper customer persona by doing intense research.

Next, you need to ask yourself, “What do you want from social media marketing?

You have to set a clear and measurable social media marketing goal. The goal should not be irrelevant and needs to be attained on time.

For instance, increase brand awareness, drive traffic, grow revenue, boost brand engagement, etc.

Every step taken through the social media marketing journey will be associated with that goal. Because, if you don’t have the goal of stepping on Everest, you will climb day after day, but never be on the top of the world.

Without a proper goal, it will be difficult for you to achieve a positive result. Because, if you don’t have the goal of stepping on Everest, you will climb day after day, but never be on the top of the world.

02. Find the Best Social Media Channel

It is not a very wise decision to create a business profile on every possible social media platform. You have to figure out which platform is appropriate to reach your target audience.

Find the Best Social Media Channel - Adigic

For example, if you launch a product for teenagers in the US market, your top priority should be Snapchat. Because Statista says:

During a fall 2020 survey, it was found that Snapchat was the most important social network for 34 percent of U.S. teens. Fast-growing social video app TikTok was ranked second with 29 percent.

That means you have to do proper research to find out the link between your product offering and the social media usage of the target market.

Also, you have to observe your competitors’ social media activities. When you observe closely, you will get a surface idea of the competitors’ social media marketing strategy.

But DO NOT follow blindly the social media actions of your competitors.

03. Set Up the Social Media Profiles

You have to add details about your business after creating a social media profile. Here, I am explaining this section with an example of Facebook.

To promote your startup on Facebook, you need to create a Facebook page naming by your business. After that, the following details you need to add to your Facebook page:

  • A customized URL (you can edit that in the page settings)
  • The physical address of your startup
  • Phone number
  • Email address (with your startup name)
  • Profile picture (company logo as a profile picture recommended)
  • Cover photo (company logo, tagline, product/service details, or anything that matches your business vibe)
  • Company description

The significance of these details is high. Because a profile enriched with company information helps to create a sense of trust among the customer.

Next, you need to increase your followers and there are two ways to do that. Those are, organic social growth (non-paid marketing), and paid social growth (paid marketing through advertising).

The main priority of a startup is minimizing the promotional cost in the best possible way. So, in my view, organic growth is a convenient option for the beginning.

04. Create the Contents Based on Platform & Audience

The first question you need to answer is, “What does my target audience like to experience?”

Nowadays, people prefer animated promotional content rather than still pictures of product details. Also, some audiences like to read informative product details (unknown product value) before a buying decision. It is your call to understand your audience first. After that, you will be able to outline a content strategy based on your customer preference.

Besides, you need to consider that, continuous promotional content makes your audience bored. In this way, you will end up losing your followers.

To retain your audience, you can mix up your promotional content with another generic one. For example, if you are offering an herbal product range, you can post an informative article about different herbs.

Moreover, never underestimate the power of a good visual representation. Believe me, an eye-catching visual of your post will enhance your brand value in a greater way.

05. Measure the Results and Plan Accordingly

Keep an eye on social media analytics will help you to measure the level of post reach, number of clicks, the rate of engagement, and so on. In this way, you will be able to understand the success rate of each post or campaign. There are several free and paid analytics tools that you can use.

Based on the analytics result, you will plan for your next content or campaign. If you find content with a lower result, you can skip creating that kind of content for your future campaign. As a result, the success rate of your future campaign will increase.

Tips to Spice Up Your Social Media Marketing Strategies

Firstly, you have to engage with your audience through comments, messages, and reviews.

Secondly, consistent content posting will make your audience habituated with your brand. If your post is irregular, there is a chance that your audience will start to forget about your product.

Next, there is no alternative to being active during business hours. The more responsive you will be, the more positive the impression will be among the audience.

Finally, trying to post at a peak hour and specific time will help to engage more audience. Also, the audience will be adapted to that timing and expected post from you on that specified hour.

If you need to ensure your e-commerce digital marketing strategy on on track, you can check this article of our partner here.

How Can You Measure the Success of Your Social Media Marketing Efforts?

Measuring the success of your social media marketing efforts is essential to understanding the impact of your strategies and optimizing your digital presence. By tracking relevant metrics and analyzing the data, you can gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns and make informed decisions to drive better results. Here are some key steps to help you measure the success of your social media marketing efforts:

1. Set Clear Goals

Before diving into measuring your social media success, it’s crucial to establish clear objectives. These goals could include increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting user engagement. Clear goals will help you determine the metrics to focus on and align your efforts accordingly.

2. Define Key Metrics

Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your goals. These metrics will help you evaluate the impact of your social media marketing efforts. Some common KPIs include reach, engagement rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, follower growth, and customer satisfaction. Use social media analytics tools to track these metrics accurately.

3. Track Reach and Impressions

Reach refers to the number of unique users who have seen your content, while impressions represent the total number of times your content has been displayed. Tracking these metrics will help you gauge your brand’s visibility and the level of awareness you’re generating within your target audience.

4. Measure Engagement

Engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and retweets are strong indicators of how well your content is resonating with your audience. High engagement levels suggest that our content is relevant and valuable to your audience. Use engagement metrics to measure the effectiveness of your content strategy and make improvements where necessary.

5. Monitor Website Traffic

One of the primary goals of social media marketing is to drive traffic to your website. By tracking website traffic, you can determine how effective your social media efforts are in driving visitors to your site. Use tools like Google Analytics to measure the number of visitors, page views, and conversion rates from social media platforms.

6. Analyze Conversion Rates

Conversion rates measure how successful your social media efforts are in converting visitors into customers or achieving your desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. By tracking conversion rates, you can identify which social media channels and campaigns are most effective in driving conversions.

7. Assess Brand Sentiment

Monitoring brand sentiment allows you to understand how your audience perceives your brand. By analyzing mentions, comments, and reviews about your brand on social media, you can evaluate the sentiment and make necessary adjustments to your marketing strategies.

8. Measure Return on Investment (ROI)

To determine the success of your social media marketing efforts, it’s important to measure the return on investment. Calculate the revenue generated from social media campaigns and compare it to the costs involved, including time, resources, and advertising spending. This will help you assess the profitability and efficiency of your social media marketing efforts.

9. Conduct Regular Audits

Regularly auditing your social media marketing efforts will help you identify areas for improvement and ensure that you are on track to reach your goals. Conducting audits involves reviewing your social media channels, content, metrics, and overall performance to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas that need improvement. This will help you make data-driven decisions and optimize your social media marketing strategies.

During your audits, pay attention to the following:

– Content Quality: Assess the quality and relevance of your content. Are you consistently providing valuable and engaging content to your audience? Are you using a variety of content formats, such as videos, images, and blog posts, to keep your audience interested and entertained?

– Audience Reach: Evaluate the reach of your social media channels. Are you reaching your target audience effectively? Are there any untapped opportunities to expand your reach? Consider using demographics and analytics tools to gain insights into your audience and adjust your strategies accordingly.

– Brand Consistency: Ensure that your brand voice and messaging are consistent across all your social media channels. Consistency is key to building brand recognition and trust among your audience. Review your profiles, posts, and visuals to ensure they align with your brand’s identity and values.

– Community Engagement: Assess how well you are engaging with your audience and building a community. Are you responding to comments, messages, and mentions in a timely manner? Are you actively participating in conversations and discussions related to your industry? Building a strong community can lead to loyal customers and brand advocates.

– Lead Generation: Evaluate how effective your social media efforts are in generating leads. Are those leading legit? From where those leads came from – social media or blogging?

Things You Need to Avoid

There are four things you must avoid.

  • Spelling mistakes in the content
  • Controversial content
  • The wrong dimension of the visual content, and
  • Bad behavior with your audience

Any of these four mistakes is enough to degrade your brand image within a second.


At last, there is an option of hiring a social media expert if your company budget supports you. Otherwise, some research with a detailed plan could save you from spending money on an expert. But, there are no alternative of preparing your social media marketing strategies, before jumping into the full-fledged business.

Besides, always try to observe the customer discussion through the comment section. In this way, you will be able to find out the perception of your target audience towards your brand. Also, it will help you to use those viewpoints to improve your content.

Need a Consultancy to Win Online?

Adigic Digital is always here to help you preparing your social media strategy. We know what do and we are confident enough to take your business to NEXT LEVEL. Be prepared to get an ADIGICAL EXPERIENCE.

Janhabi Urmi

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